Dan Gordon 2

Get song  translation

Don’t miss the 

Battle of Culloden 

* and the Highland Clearances info

See Dan and wife, Isobel Griffith, plus 3 Children:  Alfreda, Athelene and Dan Jr. in above image!

 Dan Jr. got gassed in WWII, then moved to Florida to become a policeman, with constant bad health.   Athelene married and moved to Kansas City, MO.

Athelene remained in constant contact with her mother and siblings, while carting her canary birds back and forth to the cabin in the Ozark Mtns. where her husband, Clarence (born 1899), hunted to provide food for the following winter (depression = 1929 to 1939)

Their mother, Isobel Griffith, moved on to Houston, then on to Alaska once the children were settled.  She had 7 husbands and many hunting adventures to talk about during her frequent visits!  She must have sold the property and taken all the cash to Houston/Alaska!

Next, click HERE to learn more about Athelene and her husband !!!  (Athelene was Mayola's mother)